Wednesday 4 June 2008

BMW Driver ?

Last night I checked my emails. I had 1 from an Alan and 1 from another Nick and 1 from a silly name. Alan seemed ok, but not too attracted to him, the other Nick included his phone number asking me to call him, I think not ! Silly name was a nice email but I just can't see me ever fancying him.

These kind make me feel bad, if people go to the trouble of reading your profile and writing a good message, funny and non pushy, should I email back saying " sorry just don't fancy you " or exchange pleasant emails knowing that on my part it's not going anywhere ?

Is there an etiquette around this ? or just every one to their own ?

Spoke to the guy I've been emailing for a week,( Paul ) today for the first time, his sense of humour is possibly on the quirky side of eccentric. He works in IT and drives a BMW, never a good sign, I fear. I have an irrational prejudice about BMW drivers, I think most of them are wankers. We have arranged to meet next Wednesday, he wants me to bring him a book I think he should read and he's going to swap me a cd he thinks I should listen to. I think this is kinda cool, my friend Christina, oh cynical, cynical, Christina thinks this is just plain weird.

Again, I wonder, where is the male equivelent of me ? I am happy, sorted out emotionally, solvent, comfortable in my own skin etc etc, just wanting to meet someone to date and see where things go.

Well, okay, I want to get laid, but I need more than just sex, honest


A Confused Take That Fan said...

Hi Jayne,
Thought I'd pop by as you'd very kindly visited me.
All I can say is, you have to kiss a lot of frogs before you will find your prince! Early days. I have had one friend who is now married to someone she met on t'internet and another friend who gave it up due to just meeting weirdo unsuitable men and is now living with someone she met through who knows?! Just do it and have fun. Enjoy...I will keep reading to see how you're getting on!

jo said...

ahh the joys of online dating... not! haha! granted there are some nice normal ones out there but as i imagine you should know by now, there are certainly the creepy ones.

honestly it does get tiring after a while but oh well i suppose it's just another way to meet men whose path you might not have crossed ordinarily. who knows? you might find a gem in there somewhere :)

Dizzie said...

I just deleted a very long comment I had made, because it all sounded so blase I scared myself! :D

Internet dating. I admire those that do. But don't waste your time on the no-chances. I get it, don't judge a book by it's cover, but do you really want to hang around in case you'll grow into loving someone?

Good luck to you, either way, and keep us updated! :)